Monday, February 4, 2008

The Beginning

Like many men, I have to shave in order to maintain my boyish good looks. That meant buying the latest multi blade cartridges and foam in a can to scrape my face clean every day, or really just any day I needed to, because if I didn't have to shave, I wasn't going to do it. I had tried an electric or two when i was younger, but they didn't work for me and I wasn't aware that there were any other.

Then one day at the end of last year, I found a post on linking an article explaining the benefits of "wetshaving." I started reading about this "new" form of shaving. i could shave without having red bumps all over my neck? I wouldn't have to spend $20 a pop for cartridges? There was soup and cream that didn't come from a can?

I found several amazing forums dedicated to wetshaving and a community of men who are devoted to helping each other get better shaves. I went out and bought a safety razor, badger brush, some blades and wonderful smelling creams and after shaves and I've spent the last few weeks learning to shave again and marvelling at how smooth my face can be.

In this blog I'd like to tell my stories, share my experiences to serve two purposes. I'd like to record my experiences so that I can recall them, knowing which blades I liked, which scent combination worked well and which did not. Second, I'd like to be able to share so that other guys who want to give this a try can see its not as scary as it first appears.

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