Friday, July 25, 2008

Is it a Lifestyle? Hobby? Grooming Technique?

I've been wetshaving for almost 8 months now, and i have settled into a nice routine and comfort level with my shaves. I've been reading and writing (sporadically) about shaving during that entire time. It got me to thinking about what wet shaving has become in my life.

At the very least, the obvious answer is that it is a grooming technique. For most men these days, shaving is a regular part of the routine as important as showering and getting the hair cut. But I view my shaving time in a much different light than I did when I was using the sensor and foam. Its no longer a chore that I wish I didn't have to do. Now its a time I look forward to. To me its almost like a meditation. I can focus my attention on the action, blocking out the other thoughts of the day. In that end its a lifestyle, or at the very least, a lifestyle technique. To risk sounding trite, in today's stressed out, time crunched world, its nice to have some time to focus on myself.

The fact that I take the time to read the shaving forums, to write a blog and have this barely controlled desire to buy new shaving toys can only be explained by calling this effort a hobby. Otherwise how could I justify the time I put into it?